Todd Artwell

Director of Fixed Income

Todd is responsible for performance driven fixed income asset management, security selection, and trading. He has over 24 years of professional experience in the investment field. Prior to joining Howe & Rusling, Todd was a Portfolio Manager for the State of Florida Treasury, where he was responsible for managing the State Treasury Short Duration fixed income investment portfolio. Todd also was a Portfolio Manager with Comerica Bank, responsible for the active fixed income management of customized fixed income portfolios, including two common trust funds. He received his BBA in Finance from The University of Toledo.

One of Todd’s favorite pastimes is hunting for new vinyl collectible records to enjoy on his custom stereo system. And while some do yoga, riding his motorcycle is Todd’s meditation of choice.

“The most memorable adventure I have ever experienced was traveling to the ancient Mayan ruin Tikal after proposing to my wife in Belize.”